Dublin, Ireland — In a far-reaching coup for Radical Islam, the I
rish Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has declared his support for Al-Qaeda — or as he termed them "de lads”. This unprecedented switch of allegiances, and seemingly unconstitutional breach of Irish Neutrality, has sent shock-waves right across the Irish political landscape. With news conferences being hastily convened only one dissident voice was heard from the cabinet — that of Minister for Defence, Willie
"You Talking to Me?" O'Dea. Minister O'Dea appealed for calm, and in a uncharacteristically well thought through exchange affirmed his command of the armed forces, and called for an immediate vote of no-confidence in the Taoiseach.
For some time Ireland has been considered a low-risk target for Islamic terrorism, but of late more insidious signals have begun to indicate that the use of Shannon airport by U.S. Forces, as well as Irelands thriving economy and proximity to Britain may lead it to be viewed as a soft target. These worries
have grown more concrete in recent times with the much publicised threat to Irish airports made by Islamic cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed in an internet chatroom. In recent years Ireland's economic boom has bought unprecedented immigration, and along with this tide have come many Muslims eager to avail of the ample employment opportunities available. This process has made many in Ireland wary of immigrant and where their allegiances may lie. Today's developments can only exacerbate these fears.
More Inside: p.3-p.17; comment: p. 22,23.

For some time Ireland has been considered a low-risk target for Islamic terrorism, but of late more insidious signals have begun to indicate that the use of Shannon airport by U.S. Forces, as well as Irelands thriving economy and proximity to Britain may lead it to be viewed as a soft target. These worries

More Inside: p.3-p.17; comment: p. 22,23.
1 comment:
Well if it was said in an internet chatroom then it must be true!
I am more worried about gale force winds blowing me in front of a dublin bus :-)
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