…Being an exposition of an organisation.
I keep three books on the go at any one time. The partition of my reading into three reflects the organisation of my life: the first book is fiction: it is read as a leisure activity and enjoyed in such hours as are designated as such. The second is technical reading; recent books to have occupied this honourable chair are SICP, Feynman's Lectures on Computation, and Fowler's Refactoring. This element of the triumvirate is primarily a reflection of my occupation, being as I am a programmer things computational. The third, and final, trivium of the literary partitional trivia is toilet reading. As do so many others I enjoy a good trip'te'de'jacks, and waiting for me there is a book to occupy my mind during my stay. Typically this is non-fiction, but a prime requirement is that it be relaxed in subject concomittant with the relaxing nature of its commodal abode. An example to illuminate perhaps: at the moment my toilet reading is “The Making of ‘Dark Side of the Moon’”. Now I'll be the first to admit this whole partition is far from regimental, there's often a fourth book floating around which tends to alterate between fiction and non-fiction. At the moment the position is held by “The Trial” by Kafka. Following on from the past post I figured I'd close with a stacktrace of my current reading:
Leisure- Started Sophie's Choice
- Started Bonfire of the Vanities
- Finished Bonfire of the Vanities
Technical- Started SICP
- Started Feynman Lectures on Computation
- Ended Feynman Lectures on Computation
Commodal- Started The Making of ‘Dark Side of the Moon’

Also a big thank you to my darling girlfriend who gave me the most amazing present of two books on Friday.
You're the Best
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